Wednesday, January 14, 2009

About Greyhound Racing, Adoption and Fever's Story

The President of the American Greyhound Track Operators Association even said to People Magazine, “The animals must be disposed of. It’s an economic thing.

Why is it that our greyhound friends have to suffer because of MONEY? Do YOU think
its right that someone else dies for the sake of filling your pockets? Please think again! Greyhound racing does not only mean the animals are killed, these poor things have to go through hell before God frees them of their pain.

You might think that retired or injured greyhounds do get adopted, but remember, for every one greyhound adopted, it means another dog loses it's second and probably last chance at life. We aren't s
aying don't adopt greyhounds, but for the good of greyhounds, we need to get to the root of the problem. As Judy Paulsen, Founder of Greyhound Companions of New Mexico says, "Adoption is not the answer. It is merely a band-aid on a hemmorhaging jugular.".

"Why are there so many "retired" racing greyhounds in need of homes?", you ask. To produce exceptionally fast greyhounds, breeders overbreed and breed in large numbers. This selfish act causes the rest of the slower greyhounds to be abandoned, killed or given away. Some starve to death even before people can rescue them. Do not forget that the greyhounds are UNSTERILIZED and unlike rehomers or rescue groups, the breeders do not screen potential owners! This results in a vicious circle of 'newbies' hoping to break into the industry taking these hounds for overbreeding and then giving them away again.

Remember this,
Without the destruction of the greyhound racing industry, no matter how many Greyhounds [the greyhound rescue groups] manage to find homes for, there will always be those who die mutilated in racing accidents; suffocate during transport; lie injured to perish in crates as a result of receiving little or no veterinary attention; and the list goes on and on.

Fever's Story

Fever, when she was rescued

To read Fever's story, please click the link below.

Did you know?

  • Greyhounds were initially thought to be dangerous and unadoptable by majority of the humane societies.
  • The number of greyhounds destroyed is nearly impossible to determine. Not every breeder registers their dogs with the NGA and the fate of these unregistered dogs are not trackable.
  • Information disseminated by the NGA pertaining to the number of greyhounds destroyed each year and the number placed into adoptive homes is misleading. Using the few surveys they distributed years ago, their statistics regarding the number of dogs being placed by adoption groups is pure speculation and likely overestimated. And for the above reason, they cannot possibly know the massive numbers of greyhounds actually being destroyed. Their claim that the number of greyhounds being bred each year is declining, must be regarded with skepticism.
  • Cases of abuse and neglect of greyhounds by trainers and breeders are underreported due to fear of retaliation by industry peers. The relatively small number of cases reported usually come from those who have defected from the industry in abhorrence of industry injustices and grotesque abuses witnessed.
  • Because greyhounds are generally docile by nature, they are prime specimens for research and veterinary teaching schools. The number of greyhounds turned over to these institutions has been greatly underestimated as demonstrated by a recent disclosure that over 900 greyhounds had been surrendered by trainers to a Colorado veterinary school in one year. The figures had been previously reported to be in the range of 300 until greyhound rights advocates uncovered the grisly truth. The dean of this veterinary school admits they destroy 500 greyhounds per year that are not even used for any teaching purposes.
  • After their association with the racing industry was exposed, the Colorado university agreed to eliminate their practice of destroying the glut of dogs coming off the Colorado race tracks; however, it is interesting to note that the number of dogs now available to adoption programs in that area is nowhere near the large numbers once being turned over to the university — where are those dogs? Are they being shipped off to other areas where they can be disposed of without the media attention and heightened public awareness that now exists in Colorado?
  • Slow and injured dogs are loaded onto "kill trucks" to make room for better performers in the kennel. Some are euthanised, others are less fortunate and are shot or bludgeoned to death.
  • Greyhounds are transported long distances during the heat of summer in trucks without air conditioning. There have been tragic reports of trucks reaching their destination only to open the compartments and find dead or dying greyhounds as a result of exposure to extreme heat.
  • Other species of animals such as rabbits are destroyed as a result of the dog racing industry Methods for training the most successful racers involve the torture and mutilation of animals that are used as "live lure" to heighten the prey instinct of the greyhound in training. Dogs trained by this method are considered ineligible for competing on most tracks; however, track officials often turn their heads to allow these more aggressive, crowd-pleasing dogs to compete.

*Fever's Story, pictures, quotes (in red), the "Did You Know" section and majority of the information are the courtesy of Greyhound Companions of New Mexico. You may visit their website through the sidebar of the blog. They have information on greyhound behavior and health too.

Thursday, January 8, 2009

We'll post if you have any Animal Welfare or Adoption issues!

Our family has agreed to help anyone in need of spreading the word!

About Animal Welfare Issues

If you have an animal welfare issue to bring up, eg. Cruelty in Puppymills (which we'll be doing soon), feel free to email us.

Be sure to add in supporting evidence (pictures, videos, statements, references). We'll do some research about it and post it up once its done!

About Rehoming An Animal

If you are rehoming an animal friend, please email us with all the details listed below, preferbly with a picture. We'll do a post for you as well!

The ONLY condition to spreading the word is that you are not SELLING the animal, but rehoming it for no cost.

If you wish to set an adoption fee, you have to explain what the money is for, and where it goes to. Receipts of defraying vet bills etc MUST be given to us for publishing, and we will NOT post if there is even a cent of profit involved. If anyone has given us proof that you are profiteering, we will delete your post immediately.

Also, you are advised to let the adoptor sign an adoption contract and make it compulsory to sterilize an intact animal.

Details which MUST be given:

Gender: Neutered Male/Intact Male/Spayed Female/Intact Female
Reason for being given up:
Good with kids:
Good with other dogs:
Good with other animals:
Dog's temperament:
Dog's problems:
Ideal Owner:
Ideal Home:
Other info:

How are you related to the dog: Owner/fosterer etc

*You can also leave a comment after you sent an email to remind us to look it over.

Good luck!

Ban Greyhound Racing!

We came across some facts about Greyhound Racing while surfing the internet, and are extremely disgusted with the humans who did this to our fellow canines!

While M was in Aussie, she saw ads for greyhound racing, but she never knew about the horrors! We strongly urge anyone who is overseas NOT to go to any races at all. Please help us SAVE THE GREYHOUNDS!

One of the ten starving greyhounds found in South Phoenix pens with little food and no water. Taken from the Greyhound Protection League (

Greyhounds found in an Idaho dump near the dog track, shot or bludgeoned to death.
Taken from the Greyhound Protection League (

Greyhound Racing Facts, adapted from The Humane Society of the United States. (

If you dont think you can read the whole article, at least read the bolded parts.

1. Do problems exist with greyhound racing?

Yes. Greyhound racing constitutes animal abuse because of the industry's excessive surplus breeding practices, the often cruel methods by which unwanted dogs are destroyed, the daily conditions in which many dogs are forced to live, and the killing and maiming of bait animals, such as rabbits, during training exercises. The industry exists solely for the entertainment and profit of people—often at the expense of the animals' welfare.

2. Where does the greyhound racing industry get dogs?

Every year, the industry breeds tens of thousands of greyhounds, more than it can place at racetracks. This overbreeding is motivated by the desire to produce "winning" dogs. Thousands of greyhounds at each track are disposed of yearly to bring in a "fresh" group of dogs. A dog's racing career is usually over at 3½ to 4 years of age.

If able to live out his or her full life as a companion animal, a greyhound may live 13 or more years. Unfortunately, the industry kills greyhounds at various stages in the dogs' lives because they appear to lack racing potential or are injured. Many dogs, when they are no longer profitable, are adopted into good homes through rescue groups, but thousands are not. As with any business, profit is the bottom line; as a result, greyhounds are often destroyed using the least expensive methods, including gunshot. Reports of bludgeoning, abandonment, and starvation have also surfaced. Veterinarians humanely euthanize some greyhounds.

4. What is the daily existence of a racing dog like?

Racing greyhounds spend the majority of their adult lives in crates or pens or in fenced enclosures. Human companionship is limited. Many enclosures are not climate-controlled, causing the dogs distress during inclement weather.

5. Are any other animals abused by the greyhound racing industry?

Greyhound training activities have been known to maim and kill thousands of domestic rabbits and wild jackrabbits every year. (This estimate is based on HSUS investigations into the illegal importation of rabbits as well as the use of animals in training events.) One particular event known as "coursing" involves greyhounds chasing, terrorizing and eventually killing rabbits within fenced enclosures. Some industry representatives argue that this activity enhances the dogs' racing ability because they'll develop a "taste for blood." But greyhounds are sight, not blood, hounds, and their inclination to run is instigated by a moving object, not the scent of blood. The use of live lures is not permitted in at least 16 states, but such laws are difficult to enforce.

6. Why would a state legalize greyhound racing?

Lawmakers initially perceived racing as a way to raise needed revenue. Most were, at first, unaware of the inhumane treatment involved. The reality, however, is that state revenue generated by dog tracks amounts, on average, to far less than one percent of a state's annual income, and has been declining markedly in recent years.

7. What is the status of greyhound racing?

With attendance at racetracks dwindling nationwide, greyhound racing is on the decline, yet it is still entrenched in a number of states. Seven states have specific bans on live greyhound racing: Idaho, Maine, North Carolina, Nevada, Vermont, Virginia, and Washington. All of these bans were passed in the 1990s. Forty-six tracks operate in 15 states. Nineteen of those tracks operate seasonally, and the other 27 operate year-round. Simulcasting, which is the televised transmission or reception of a live race to or from an out-of-state racetrack or off-track betting site, takes place in two other states.

During the 1990s, the greyhound racing industry's gross betting handle (total amount wagered) declined by a staggering 45%. State revenue from greyhound racing in the 1990s decreased by an even greater percentage. If simulcasting monies were subtracted from the bottom line, declines would have been even greater, showing that on-track betting and live racing are sharply declining sources of income and entertainment. In the past decade, 16 tracks either closed or stopped hosting live racing. While the U.S. economy experienced unprecedented growth and prosperity during that time, greyhound racing took a nosedive. Americans are clearly voting with their wallets and consciences that they do not want any part of this business.

Gaming industry* statistics paint a bleak picture: Of the entire $61.6 billion gambling market, greyhound racing held a 0.7% share in 2000. That's a decline of 6.65%, or $32.6 million, from 1999 figures.

8. How is the greyhound racing industry fighting back?

Because of the unavoidable economic trends, many tracks have lost enthusiasm for dog racing and, instead, are concentrating on gaming. Currently, five tracks in three states (Iowa, Rhode Island, and West Virginia) have slots, but tracks everywhere are pushing state legislatures to add slot machines, video lottery terminals, and/or some other forms of gambling to prop up their flailing dog-racing operations. A recent Orlando Sentinel article detailed how the gaming industry—which includes greyhound racing—and its lobbyists have flooded Florida state legislators with contributions, despite the electorate repeatedly voting down proposals to expand gambling in the state.

The expansion of gaming at dog tracks may improve some tracks' financial problems, but it will definitely perpetuate the misery and untimely destruction of healthy, young, and adoptable greyhounds. International Gaming and Wagering Business said, "If racing is to prove the New York Times wrong and survive in America, making new fans isn't the first priority, it's the only priority. Industries that can't recruit new customers die." In almost every state where greyhound racing exists, dog tracks are pressing for tax relief or state subsidies to survive.

9. Could the greyhound racing industry ever be operated in a humane manner?

No. The racing industry is inherently cruel. Greyhound racing is a form of gaming in which the amount of money a dog generates determines his or her expendability. The answer for greyhounds is neither regulation nor adoption of "retired" dogs, but the elimination of the greyhound racing industry.

10. Aren't "retired" greyhounds adopted? What happens to those who aren't adopted?

Greyhounds make wonderful companion animals and are loving and responsive to human contact. Unfortunately, thousands of "retired" greyhounds are not adopted each year. Many greyhound owners use adoption programs as dumping grounds when their dogs are no longer profitable. Although The Humane Society of the United States applauds the efforts of those volunteers who give their time and money to place unwanted greyhounds in loving homes, thousands of these dogs are still destroyed each year because there are not enough homes to accept them. In 2000, an estimated 19,000 greyhounds were killed.* This includes 7,600 greyhound puppies who were farm culls, and another 11,400 "retirees" who were not rescued. Other greyhounds are either sold to research labs, returned to breeding facilities to serve as breeding stock, or sent to foreign racetracks, sometimes in developing countries with appalling track conditions.

11. Who oversees the racing industry? Aren't there laws to protect greyhounds?

State racing commissions exist to regulate the industry, but their primary function is to protect the state's financial interests, not to enhance animal welfare practices. The racing industry is virtually self-regulated. Unlike other commercial animal enterprises—such as animal breeding, zoos, circuses, and animal transportation via airlines—greyhound racing is not governed by the federal Animal Welfare Act, which is enforced by the United States Department of Agriculture.

13. What is The Humane Society of the United States doing to help solve this problem?

The HSUS investigates industry abuses, works to educate the public about the inherent cruelty of this industry, and initiates and supports legislation to ban greyhound racing. The HSUS believes that as long as greyhound racing continues in this country, dogs bred for no other reason than to race will be needlessly put to death. We believe the dog-racing industry has a lifelong responsibility for the adoption of every dog it breeds. This population includes not only retired racers, but also thousands of industry-bred puppies who never make it to the track because they are deemed unsuitable for racing.

14. What YOU can do?

  • Don't participate in the cruelty of greyhound racing by attending or betting on dog races.
  • Tell your friends, family, and coworkers about the tragedy of greyhound racing.
  • Distribute copies of this web page.
  • If your state or neighboring state has a greyhound track, write to state officials to express your opposition to greyhound racing. Tell them that greyhounds belong in loving homes, not on race tracks.
  • Contact The HSUS for model legislation to ban greyhound racing.
*As reported by Greyhound Network News and the Greyhound Protection League

Please click on the link above to find out more about our greyhound brothers and sisters!

Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Last Snaps of '08

On NY's Eve, D decided on the spur of the moment that he would like to try some shots for us, with the help of uncle H and M. You may notice the backdrops and stuff arent perfect (especially grooming the perfect ME), because they were in a hurry to setup.

Here are some of the pics, M said she loves 'Uncle Apollo' the most. HAHA!

And just one memory of Kola...

M: This picture was taken the last time D and I tried to setup the backdrop. We put his cushion underneath the backdrop so he just went to lie on it unexpectedly!